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Profile for BooDoo. Username @boodoo, Role: admin


In 1984, I was hospitalized for approaching perfection


Joined on Nov, 2022. 43 posts. Followed by 13. Following 11.

Recent posts

BooDoo . @boodoo,

5 days off work, not excited to get back to reality tomorrow morning

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BooDoo . @boodoo,

I am eventually going to hit the point where spending my days off of work walking for hours in the hot sun trying to find photo opportunities instead of resting will catch up with me, but I'll keep doing it until that happens.

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BooDoo . @boodoo,

that time of year where I need to try and go walk around for an hour after work because the sun's still out but also walking around for an hour makes me a sweaty mess. I am god's strongest soldier.

Open thread
BooDoo . @boodoo,

Forced myself to walk around with a camera even though it's gross (feeling and lighting) out since I couldn't come up with another reason to go out. Should have done a book store run instead because I've been convinced to read Book of the New Sun instead of just listening to people talk about it.

Open thread
BooDoo . @boodoo,

Your boy got his first haircut since Thanksgiving 2019. Please clap.

Open thread
BooDoo . @boodoo,

jumped from a 0.5.2(?) source build of GoToSocial over to a 0.9.0 install from pacman. Moved my /storage and sqlite file over into the Arch-package-idiomatic locations and made changes to few lines of the config.yaml. DB migrated, nginx config and certs all still working, totally painless. Nice.

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BooDoo . @boodoo,

Stayed up until 3AM watching a vtuber's karaoke stream and now I have another 7 hours waiting for me in my streamrip folder. God is good.

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BooDoo . @boodoo,

I don't want to make a whole thing of it, I'll just hang out at the park down the street and see what birds come by.
[30 minutes later, no birds]
fuck this I'm going to Prospect Park

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BooDoo . @boodoo,

shout out to Damon Albarn for changing the line in a live recording where the whole crowd was singing along from
"the minds gets dirty, as you get closer to thirty" to " you get closer to fifty" because the song was 20 years old. well and now it's been another decade since that live album...

Open thread
BooDoo . @boodoo,

banged my toe badly yesterday and it hurt so bad all yesterday and most of today I was convinced I broke it but even though I'm walking like I've got club foot and at 20% my normal speed I've now convinced myself it's not broken because I don't want it to be.

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